Who We Are
New City School is a tuition-free Kindergarten-8th grade public charter school that develops skilled and caring citizens for a new and better city. New City is a best practice site for the school-wide integration of social, emotional, and academic learning. We connect learners in a caring and ethical community where each student is an active “crew” member (no one is just a passenger!) who strives to grow citizen competencies, including critical thinking, empathy, and voice.

The New City Experience
At New City, every student begins the day in a circle Crew Meeting that sets the stage for collaborative work, fosters joy, and engenders belonging. Students engage in shared inquiry of relevant questions, learn in the world through expeditions and interdisciplinary projects, and serve and share in the community. Because we understand that a strong and constructive community consists of empowered and engaged individuals, we cultivate student voice and expression through visual arts, music, and theater. We are a diverse, equity-committed, tight-knit, mission-driven, and joyful learning community.

Our School & Community
40 Caring & Qualified Staff * Inquiry-Driven Approach * Expeditions * Top-Rated El Education English Curriculum * Top-Rated Eureka Math Curriculum * Equity Commitment * Integrated Social and Emotional Learning * Art * Music * Theater * Physical Education * Free/Reduced Lunches (for qualifying students) * Free Bussing anywhere in Minneapolis