Bylaws, Plans & Policies
*The Minnesota Legislature recently (2024) revised the law to require Charter School Bylaws to reflect that: “The terms of board members shall begin on July 1. Terms shall be no less than two years. The bylaws shall set the number of terms an individual may serve on the board and as an officer of the board. Board elections must be held during the school year but may not be conducted on days when the school is closed.” Also a school must post notice of elections on its Website.
Bylaw Amendment Procedure
Because these required changes affect the school's Governance model, the Amendments require a different approval process: 1. The Board Chair Notices a Meeting to Change the Governance model (at least 30 days prior to the meeting); 2. In order to have a quorum to vote, a majority of all licensed teachers employed and a majority of Board members—not just those who can show up—is required; 3. Formal Approval of the Authorizer.
The Legislature dictates the changes but still requires the vote outlined above.
Annual Financial Audit 2021 - Financial Statements & Supplementary Information
Annual Financial Audit 2021 - Management Report
Board of Directors Eligibility & Election Policy
Computer & Internet Usage Policy
COVID Approach to Safety '24-'25
Criminal Background Check Policy
Dangerous Drugs/Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy
ELL Instruction Educational Program Plan & Policy
Equal Opportunity Non-Discrimination Policy
Mobile Phone and Personal Device Policy
Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing
Protection & Privacy of Pupil Records
Purchasing Group Health Insurance Policy
School District Funds Investment Policy
Search of Student Lockers Policy
Sexual Harassment (Title IX) Policy*
Special Education Procurement Policy
Student Educational Data Policy
Total Special Education System (TSES) Plan
*Title IX Coordinator:
Jane Ojile